Cell Phone Addiction Side Effects

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We all have some essential tools that we need in our lives. But when these tools have the ability to affect our lives and our moods in a negative way, we should be careful. One of these effective tools are cell phones!

It’s absolutely good and useful to have a cell phone, as it helps us a lot, and it has many advantages, but overusing it and being addicted to it is unhealthy, and it has many side effects.
- Overusing your cell phone can cause inflammation in your tendons and increase existing conditions, like tendinitis and carpal tunnel. Also, bending your elbow for a long period of time can cause numbness in your fingers. If you face these symptoms you should do some stretches and flexes when you feel sore.

- Staring at your phone, reading texts with small font, can lead to eyestrain, dizziness, and dry eyes. Dizziness with sore neck muscles would lead to headache. You should give your eyes some rest periodically.

- Hunching over your phone for a long time is ruining your neck. Doctors call this excessive stress on the neck muscles “Text Neck”. It’s possible that you might have some serious problems in a long term.

- The sleep quality deteriorates with increasing addiction level. Being obsessed with your phone that you would wake up anytime at night to answer your phone is a main reason for sleep deprivation. And sleep deprivation affects your mood negatively. Sleeping is a very important element for one’s health. You should put your phone away when you go to bed so you can have a good quiet sleep at night.

- Being distracted by your phone while driving or crossing the street increases the risk of having accidents. So you shouldn’t use your phone in the traffic, it’s a huge risk.

- Cell phones have a typical metallic sheen to make them look more attractive. Such phones contain potential skin allergens like nickel, chromium and cobalt which cause cell phone dermatitis.

- By their desperate nature, people try to be available all the time, and that can cause them anxiety, high stress levels. So, try not to use your phone consistently, your health is much more important!

- Some researches have shown that cell phone radiations would increase the potential risks of cancer and chronic diseases like heart problems.

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