How to treat cell phone Addiction?

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cellphone addiction rehabCell phones are in rapid development every day and the developers are getting more creative, so the phones have become more useful and entertaining which made them much more desirable.
We are normally attached to whatever gives us pleasure. But being addicted to is a problem.
Most of us now are having the problem of cell phone addiction, and we should try to treat it because it affects our lives negatively.There are some solutions suggested to help with this problem:
-    When you're out for a walk, pay your attention to the world around you. Contemplate through nature, look at the sky, the trees, the sun, and feel the breeze. What do you smell, see, hear, taste? Live your real moment and put your phone away.
-    When get in your car, put your phone on silent mode to avoid any distraction while driving. Always remember that you need to be well focused on the road.
-    When you are on a date, remember that it’s imprudent to use our phone, plus you might lose your attention on the conversation you’re having which would be very annoying to many people.
-    When you get home, set your phone somewhere that’s hard to reach, it will help do what’s important and your cell phone will be used for necessities.
-    Put together a bunch of rules about how, when, and where to use your cell phone. Doing this helps you a lot.
-    Don’t sleep with your phone next to you. And don’t find yourself an excuse to keep like the alarm clock. You can buy yourself an alarm clock, and set the phone somewhere else.
-    Try to spend a day with no cell phone. It will be difficult in the beginning, but it is just a matter of practice, then it won’t be that hard to say away from it.
-    Tell you friend and family about it so that they support and help get it out of your system. This kind of support can be effective more than you think.
-    If you are a student, try to be focused on your studying and your future, and whenever you feel that your phone is hindering you from success, give it to your parents to help you manage it.
-    When you are on public transport, give yourself silent moments that are totally free from interaction with your phone, including music.

And don’t you expect quick result, nothing good comes easy, but most importantly don’t you ever give up on something that can make your life better and healthy.

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